10 Plants that prefer Full Sun

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What does “Full Sun” mean for plants? When you see Plant in “full sun” on a label it means that the plant needs direct sunlight for at least 6 to 8 hours a day. These 10 plants and flowers do well in sunny areas and are often drought resistant. Meaning they do well with below-normal precipitation.

Bee Balm

Bee Balm – Scientific name Monarda, other common names include bee balm, bergamot, horsemint, and oswego tea. Bee Balm is a flowering plant in the mint family, with beautiful blooms available in red, pink, purple, or white. Bee Balm thrives in full sun and will add color and beauty to any garden.



Catnip – A member of the mint family also known as catmint or catwort. Catnip is drought tolerant and prefers full sun, they don’t mind a bit of afternoon shade, especially when grown in hot climates. These hearty plants can be grown in almost any area of the garden as long as it’s in well-draining soil. Wet locations can lead to root rot.


Columbine – An easy-to-grow flower that comes in a variety of colors. Columbines enjoy full sun to partial shade and are often an attractant for hummingbirds. Established columbines are drought-tolerant perennials that re-seed and spread easily.

Hardy Geranium

Hardy Geranium – Hardy Geraniums are perennial and available in over 300 varieties, most widely seen in pinks, purples, blues, and whites. Most do well in full sun to partial shade and they prefer well-draining soil. The warmer the climate, the more the plants will appreciate some afternoon shade


Lavender – A shrubby perennial plant in the mint family, lavender is grown for its flowers and fragrance. Lavender does well in full sun and hot, dry conditions. It is suitable for use in a variety of landscape settings and is an excellent candidate for areas prone to drought.


Peony – Peonies like sunny locations and well-draining soil. They bloom best in sunny spots that get 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day. Peonies are extremely fragrant and they come in a wide range of colors.


Rhubarb grows best in climates where the ground freezes in winter. In naturally cold climates, plant rhubarb in full sun. For hot, dry climates make sure rhubarb gets afternoon shade and lots of water. Rhubarb is a perennial plant that will grow for many years in the same spot. Choose a location that can accommodate the growth of rhubarb. They can grow to about 3 feet in diameter and can sometimes grow as high as 6 feet tall.


Rosemary – An evergreen shrub with beautiful blue flowers. Rosemary prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Rosemary does best in zone 8 or warmer but can be grown in containers in zone 7 and colder. Rosemary that is grown in a container in zone 7 and colder will need to be brought inside during cold weather.

Shasta Daisy

Shasta Daisy – Shasta daisies thrive in dry, sunny areas, and they can tolerate cold weather. They have the classic daisy appearance of white petals around a yellow center. Shasta daisies are perennial and return every spring or early summer and bloom until early fall. A wonderful addition to any garden.


Sunflowers – Sunflowers are called sunflowers for a reason, they need full sun. Most sunflowers are annuals, which means they will not come back year after year. But it is easy to harvest and dry the seeds for planting the following year.

Vegetable Gardens

Vegetable Garden – Vegetable gardens are generally best positioned in the very sunniest location you can find with well draining soil. The following 10 vegetables/fruits love the sun.



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